year 2018
This is a Great Divine Blessing. Now is time to the balance the energies and raise our awareness, awaken us , the releases the negative emotions and to open your heart to the energy of enlightenment. Working with these energies are an great gifts ,a most precious jewel, is the power of infinite love and infinite compassion , love that is pure and unconditional ,compassion whose foundation is wisdom. Compassion without wisdom is simply kindness.are the vehicle of Kuan Yin’s teachings. for Kuan Yin, all creatures, even those we perceive as the most negative, have Buddha nature within. Always remember who you are and be open to the magic that it reminds us of who we really are ,these energies has magical power ,the magical power is not superstitious, it is the magical power to see through illusion. Once our consciousness is aroused, so too is our own magical potential. we can manifest what we need into our lives ,health, wealth, happiness etc. All comes from emptiness. Emptiness is the essence of everything we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. This is the highest wisdom, when you really know this, there are no longer walls or obstacles, this is freedom and is enlightenment. Most of us have a purpose only , are always searching, always wanting something, we don’t like the term emptiness we prefer abundance but this is illusion. There should be no wanting, between each inhale and each exhale is emptiness and in that moment a drop of the nectar of being can enter our consciousness revealing that emptiness is abundance.
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